Off the Shelf: Stolen Horses by Dan O’Brien

Stolen Horses cover image
Read the beginning of the first chapter from Stolen Horses by Dan O'Brien:

"Since Erwin Benson was a young man he has been an early riser. Belief that the darkness would cease and that the sun was on its way made him hopeful and was as close to religion as he ever managed. From time to time he wished he could believe in more. He always knew that such a leap would have made life easier, but he could never take that leap and had to settle for the predawn. His early morning ritual has served him well enough. He was eighty-five years old and still working. Already this morning he made his way in the dark from his house on Calvert Street to his office in the Lakota County courthouse. He moved through the inky air like a blind man in his own home, navigated by the scent of waning lilac and columbine. By feel he found the office key on a ring of many. Without switching on the light, he puttered with the coffeepot and wandered the three rooms of the county prosecutor’s office waiting for it to perk. He glanced out the window and was pleased to find the darkness still exhilarating. There was still the sense of risk. There was a chance that today was the day the sun would not rise. Rising early was an act of faith.

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Off the Shelf: Corkscrewed by Robert V. Camuto

Corkscrewed cover image New in paperback, read from the Introduction to Corkscrewed: Adventures in the New French Wine Country by Robert V. Camuto:

"It was a perfect day to lose faith in wine. By midmorning on June 21, 2005, the heat and humidity were conspiring to make it another in a series of stifling hot days in Bordeaux. I’d set out from Saint-Émilion in my tiny Citroën rental car—windows rolled down to make up for the lack of air conditioning—en route to Vinexpo, the world’s largest wine convention held once every two years in the sprawling convention site north of the city.

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BookExpo America Photos

UNP staff returned to the office this week with photos from last week's BookExpo America. Check out our facebook page for even more photos. Attendees head into the BookExpo Exhibit Hall at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City.  Sue Resnick signs copies of her new book, Goodbye Wifes and Daughters, the story of the 1943 mining disaster in Bearcreek, Montana. Steve Steinberg, co-author of 1921: The Yankees, the Giants, and the Battle for Baseball Supremacy in New York, signs his new book during an autographing session. A view of the UNP booth. BookExpo America is a great place for … Continue reading BookExpo America Photos