News & Reviews


Elliott West’s Continental Reckoning is a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History!


They Came but Could Not Conquer

Review in Publishers Weekly:

“Purvis paints a rousing and Native-focused picture of Alaska’s past that emphasizes how the battle over land use and environmental health is a central force in U.S. history. Purvis’s unique perspective is worth checking out for environmentalist activists, legal minds, and American history buffs alike.”

Cast Out of Eden

Review in Los Angeles Review of Books:

“[John] Muir’s reputation is not unblemished . . . Robert Aquinas McNally’s new book, Cast Out of Eden: The Untold Story of John Muir, Indigenous Peoples, and the American Wilderness, prompts a fresh round of reconsideration by attending specifically to this side of the United States’ pioneering environmental crusader.”

The Sonoran Dynasty in Mexico

Review in True West:

“In the wake of the deadly Mexican Revolution in the first part of the 20th century, Mexico was in a state of pure political upheaval. Two Revolutionary generals from the northwestern state of Sonora emerged, and their power and influence began to dominate the region between 1920 and 1934. In The Sonoran Dynasty in Mexico: Revolution, Reform, and Repression, Jürgen Buchenau . . . unravels this dynastic cobweb that sought to unify a new Mexico while rejecting the Indigenous and Catholic traditions of Mexico while embracing the rich American and other foreign capitalists.”

Rise Up!

Review in Tribal College Journal:

“Craig Harris’ new book, Rise Up: Indigenous Music in North America, surveys different music forms, styles, and genres from the early 20th century to recent happenings in the Indigenous music scene. The book will appeal to Indigenous music connoisseurs.”

Outback and Out West

Review in ISLE:

“In this nuanced study, Tom Lynch draws from settler-colonial theory and ecocriticism, as well as his own firsthand experience, to discuss cultural works of Australia and the United States—two countries with interesting points of connection in terms of their settler-colonial history.”

Deza and Its Moriscos

Review in Catholic Historical Review:

“This carefully written and well-researched study deals with the Moriscos, the descendants of forced converts to Christianity, and focuses on the Castilian town of Deza. It is a welcome urban, micro-historical contribution to the study of the social and religious identities of its Morisco population from their forced conversion in 1502 up to the moment of their expulsion from Spain on July 8, 1611.”

Buzzie and the Bull

Review in KNUP Sports:

“This book by Ken Lazebnik is a good read and a fantastic resource for Los Angeles Dodgers fans in particular. It has 208 pages packed with the history of GM Buzzie Bavasi and his favorite utility player Al ‘the Bull’ Ferrera.”

Author Interviews

Tim Manners

Interview in News12

Interview in We’ll See About That with Ron Cey

Curtis Freese

Interview in the Yellowstonian

Robert Aquinas McNally

Interview in the California Sun

Steve Friesen

Interview in the Colorado Sun

Tom Hoffarth

Interview with Faculti

Victoria Lamont

Interview with Faculti

Kevin M. Anzzolin

Interview with Faculti

Jason C. Anthony

Interview in Gastropod

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