Little Free Library Take Over in Lincoln, Nebraska


Shout out from Book Riot:

“After six of the city’s fifty Little Free Libraries were ‘robbed,’ the community stepped up to refill them. Even the University of Nebraska Press donated books to the cause.”

Media mention from Channel 8, ABC KLKN-TV:

” ‘You can’t steal a free book, but you can steal the experience from the next person,’ says Ockander. The University of Nebraska Press wants to help bring the experience back.”

UNP quoted in the Omaha World-Herald:

“The donations aren’t in response to the theft, just a nice coincidence. ‘It was incredibly lucky timing,’ said Rosemary Vestal, publicity manager for University of Nebraska Press. ‘This did not come from the libraries being emptied out. This was in the works before that. But it was really lucky that we could help out in this way.’ ”




Jews and Genes by Elliot N. Dorff and Laurie Zoloth

Review from the Jewish Journal:

“Elliot N. Dorff and Laurie Zoloth . . . insist that genetic science holds special meaning and promise for the Jewish people, a theme that is explored in fascinating and often surprising detail by rabbis, physicians, religious scholars, folklorists and bioethicists in the essays that are collected here.”


Seymour Hersh, Scoop Artist by Robert Miraldi

Praise from the Red Dirt Report:

“And Miraldi’s Scoop Artist delivers the goods on Hersh’s dogged, tenacious, shoe-leather journalism . . .”


Cruel Tales from the 13th Floor by Luc Lang

By Luc Lang, translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith

A round of applause from The Complete Review:

Cruel Tales from the Thirteenth Floor is dark stuff, the ugly side of people and of fate. There’s a lot of gusto too, a love of life, and death, and the power one can have in one’s hands, which gives many of the tales an even creepier feel. It’s all quite impressively done, making for a strong but very dark collection.”



Clayton Anderson


Report on book signing at Strategic Air & Space Museum in the Lincoln Journal Star:

“Stock said Anderson’s journey has inspired her children, who dream of becoming astronauts when they’re older. ‘He’s like a hometown hero,’ she said.”


Niles Elliot Goldstein


First of a collection of articles by the author published in Patheos:

“Oregon wasn’t an escape, it was a mirror — still, silent, and far removed from the frenzy of New York . . .”

Neihardt Family


Descendants of author John G. Neihardt and Black Elk interact at recent ceremony, covered by the Lincoln Journal-Star:

“Hughes said her family wanted Pourier to have them to give him strength as he fights to get Harney Peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota renamed Black Elk Peak. The U.S. Board on Geographic Names is considering a proposal to make the change.”

Johnathan Fineberg


Author interview with Art Info Blogs:

“This book begins with two premises:  1) If we are still making images after 30,000 years (ten times longer than we have had written language), there must be something about it that we need.  2) Because our technology is not precise enough to see how a thought comes into existence in the brain, we may learn more about how the brain works by looking at what it produces and a work of art is one of the most complex products of the brain.  So works of art may be able to tells us a great deal about how the brain puts a thought together.”

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